Trinity College Kandy Old Boys’ Association in Ontario elects new office bearers

New office bearers.


Trinity College Kandy Old Boys’ Association in Ontario (TCK-OBA) held their 28th Annual General Meeting (AGM) recently attended by a large and multi-generational gathering of old boys. In the audience was a Trinitian of 1952 vintage as well as some “young” old boys who left Trinity nearly half a century later!

The TCK-OBA has been active in promoting fellowship among Trinitians in Ontario and have conducted several programs for the benefit of old boys and their families. Over the years, due to the commitment and hard work of successive committees the membership has steadily grown and the TCK-OBA is now one of the largest Trinity OBA’s outside of Sri Lanka. The Management Committee which took office at the recent AGM has planned a crowded calendar of events for the members and their families for the coming year. However, the primary focus of the TCK-OBA for the next two years will be on fund raising for the many projects undertaken by the school to coincide with the 150th anniversary celebrations of Trinity in 2022.


As has been the practice at every AGM since the first held in 1991, the members unanimously elected the following office bearers for the committee year 2018/2019:

Patron: The Principal, Trinity College Kandy, Vice Patron: Dr. C.Y.Ching Jr. Trustee: Mr. Sukumar T. Navaratnam, Trustee: Dr. Mohan Babapulle, President: Damindra Kulugammana, Vice President & President Elect: Kevin Molligoda, Vice President: Mevan Delwita, Secretary: S.Shanmuganathan, Treasurer: Yohan Subramaniam, Social Secretary: Sanjeeva Goonetilleke, Sports Secretary: Ramesh Letchuman, Member-at-large: Ananda Wickremasinghe, Immediate Past President: Ravi Ponnambalam.

The TCK-OBA is desirous of reaching out to every Trinitian resident in Ontario and are asking all old boys who are currently not receving information from the TCK-OBA, to contact The Secretary at so that arrangements could be made to include them in the mailing list.