Canada’s first Theravada Buddhist Temple Toronto Mahavihara is on historic journey to construct a monastic residence. The new multipurpose building will provide accommodation additional monks and to provide larger space for the Dhamma School. With an expected area of more than 2000 sq. feet, the proposed building is sufficient to accommodate at least five classes. In addition, there will be a washroom and a pantry. Currently, the temple, built in 1998 houses all activities including the Dhamma School, which has a growing population students. On many occasions, the temple has difficulties of accommodating the growing number of devotees during functions.

A procession outside Toronto Mahavihara.
“Toronto Mahavihara and its membership started its spiritual journey in July 1978 by establishing the first Canadian Theravada Buddhist Temple in Toronto. Our first location was at 3595 Kingston Road and in 1995 we moved to this site. Since then our congregation has grown considerably and our services to the Buddhist community in around G.T.A has expanded widely,” said Venerable Udupihille Wimalabuddhi Mahathera at special ceremony to mark the historic announcement.

A model of the new proposed monastic residence (left) Toronto Mahavihara built in 1998 (right).
“Toronto Mahavihara Dhamma School started with 7 children. With the growth of the membership, the children in Dhamma School also increased to about 200 today. Our main objective of constructing this Building is to accommodate the rapidly increasing number of students.”

Architect Ruwan Costa addressing.
Ven Maha Sngha, Consul General of Sri Lanka in Toronto, U.L.M. Jauhar, Deputy Consul General, Asoka Godawita, initial pioneers of Toronto Mahavihara, invited guests, parents and the children of the Dhamma School, were in attendance for the special announcement in Toronto.

Lighting of traditional oil lamp

Lighting of traditional oil lamp

Lighting of traditional oil lamp
Accepting Donations
Toronto Mahavihara is accepting donations for the project.
“In order to make this Project successful, we need the support of all our members and friends. I would like to make an especial request to the parents of the Dhamma School children to extend their utmost effort to realize this noble cause. Your generosity will not only benefit your children but also those of several generations to come,” said Venerable Udupihille Wimalabuddhi Mahathera.

Highlights from the historic announcement at Toronto Mahavihara

Highlights from the historic announcement at Toronto Mahavihara

Highlights from the historic announcement at Toronto Mahavihara

Highlights from the historic announcement at Toronto Mahavihara