New Canadian Buddhist Temple in Mississauaga, Ontario. (Pictures by Mahesh Abeyewardene)
Venerable priests thanked community members who helped build a new Buddhist temple in Mississauga, Ontario in the western part of Greater Toronto Region (GTA).
“When we began the Building Project in earnest, less than three years ago, the first step was taken; the old property and Temple were sold at a fair price and the new property was bought,” wrote Ven. Kulugammana Dhammawasa Thera Viharadhipathi Incumbent and Bhikkhu Saranapala, Chair, Building & Fund Raising Committees in a letter on behalf of monks in residence.
The new temple will be home to the Halton Peel Buddhist Cultural Society, West-End Buddhist Cultural Centre. Formed in 1992, the temple moved from high-rise apartment to a large house on a lush one acre property in Mississauga to serve devotees in 1994.

Ven. Kulugammana Dhammawasa Thera Viharadhipathi Incumbent and Bhikkhu Saranapala, Chair, Building & Fund Raising Committees.
Moving from the residential property to a bigger temple was necessary as the number of devotees grew steadily in the city of Mississauga.
In the letter sent to The Sri Lanka Reporter, the Venerable Chief Priest paid tribute to the fundraising effort in the massive project.
“Bhikkhu Saranapala harnessing the goodwill of the devotees, particularly the young, upcoming Canadian youths of Sri Lankan origin, never stopping for a moment to look back. Being not ashamed to beg for Buddha’ s sake his team forged ahead in an attempt to solicit for funds and succeeded in nearly tripling the monthly intake of the temple from a paltry, lethargic $ 5,000.00 per month, thus paving the way to begin in earnest the construction work of the new Temple.”