Mandeera Perera graces the cover of our recent issue, she appeared in our first ever colour cover in 2001 celebrating traditional Sinhala and Tamil New Year. More than a decade later she appears in a stunning bridal dress celebrating her marriage with Tehan de Mel sitting in front of the water fountain at Cinnamon Grand Hotel, Colombo.
Mandeera’s parents Saliya, Shyama and brother Ritchie reside in Canada. Her mother Shyama acted in several Sri Lanka films in the 60s and 70s directed by her grandfather M.S. Ananda. The Ceylon Daily News described her mother as household name for her roles in Mage Nangi Shyama and Chandi Shyama.
Mandeera followed in her mother’s footsteps by playing role in Mama Baya Ne Shyama directed and produced by her grandfather in 1995. Shyama starred in the film alongside iconic Sri Lankan actor Gamini Fonseka, who passed away in 2004. In Canada, Mandeera earned a degree in Political Science and Communications from the University of Toronto and later managed her own business venture.
She resides in Brisbane Australia with her husband Tehan.
Bridal Sari: Designed Mandeera and Shyama, made in India
Bridal Dressing: Ramani Fernando
Floral Decorations: Wed in Style
Wedding Photography: Studio 3000