St. Joseph’s College Colombo Old Boys’ Association of Canada hosted their first ever dinner dance in Toronto.
The alumni received a warm message fromRev. Travis Gabriel rector of the college.
“It is a bold step in the beginning of what will I am certain be something which not only the members of the OBU but their families and guests are going to enjoy even in the years to come,” Rev. Gabriel said.
Meanwhile,Jeevan Pragasam, President, SJC OBA highlighted the goals of the association.

Jeevan Pragasam, President, SJC OBA. Pictures byKannan Jeristus
“We are still a fledgling and growing organization in our community. A mustard seed was planted and we began our journey in December 2016 and with the spirit of St. Joseph, a st dynamic Inaugural committee was formed to nurture our first ever SJC OBA of Canada into fruition,” said Mr. Pragasam.
“Every long journey begins with a single step. Since it’s inauguration we have thrived, but not without many challenges. However, many thanks to the dedication of our team and home of our 100 plus members we have made significant progress with two successful events, an AGM and a dynamic website.”
Pictures by Kannan Jeristus
“It was decided at the outset that the main objectives were to foster fellowship among past pupils and fund raise to support our College and Alma mater. Every action of our lives touches on some chord that will vibrate to eternity. Coincidentally, in order to establish our brand in our community, we wish to keep the 3rd Saturday in September, as our Blue, White and Blue night forever, where we can engage every year and feel like schoolboys again, whilst reminiscing about our childhood,” he added.