Public visitation was announced for Jayantha Wijeratne, 49 and his daughter Eleesha, 16 who were killed in a car crash on Sunday morning when a suspected drunk driver driving the wrong way on the Queen Elizabeth Way (QEW) slammed head-on with their vehicle.
Antonette Wijeratne remains in critical but stable condition at Sunnybrook Hospital, their son Brian, 19 who was not in the vehicle keeps vigil at her bedside. The family was returning from vacation road trip from Florida when crash occurred just 10 minutes away from their Toronto home.
Public visitation will take place at Ward Funeral Home 2035 Weston Road Toronto, ON M9N 1X7 (416) 241-4618.
Friday August 10: 6PM to 9PM, Saturday August 11: 11AM to 2PM and 4PM to 9PM.
Funeral details will be announced on a later date.