“Since its inception in July of 2011, the “Wanted by the CBSA” program has proven to be effective in its goal of locating individuals who are in Canada illegally and who have hidden from the CBSA,” said Minister Blaney. “The successful location of almost 40 per cent of the cases posted to the list demonstrates not only the program’s usefulness, but also the level of engagement of the public in protecting our borders.”
To obtain further assistance from the public, eight new profiles have been added to the “Wanted by the CBSA” web page. These new additions are all inadmissible to Canada under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA), and a Canada-wide warrant for their arrest has been issued as they have both failed to comply with IRPA and have absconded before their removal could take place.
“I am confident that the past successes of the “Wanted by the CBSA” program will continue,” said Minister Blaney. “This program is an excellent example of how ongoing cooperation between the public and domestic and international law enforcement can contribute to safer communities.”
The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) added eight names to their most wanted list, according to the agency these persons are “inadmissible to Canada and are the subject of an active Canada-wide arrest warrant, issued pursuant to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA).”
An active list of CBSA’s most wanted can be found here: http://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/wc-cg/
“Since its inception in July of 2011, the “Wanted by the CBSA” program has proven to be effective in its goal of locating individuals who are in Canada illegally and who have hidden from the CBSA,” said Minister Blaney. “The successful location of almost 40 per cent of the cases posted to the list demonstrates not only the program’s usefulness, but also the level of engagement of the public in protecting our borders,” said in a news release.