Piragal Thiru VP in Ontario Liberal Party Ex-Council

Piragal Thiru (Picture Twitter)

Piragal Thiru (Picture Twitter)iragal Thiru was acclaimed as Vice President of Engangedment of Ontario’s Liberal Party Executive Council following the party’s AGM in Blue Mountain.

Piragal Thiru was acclaimed as Vice President of Engagement of Ontario’s Liberal Party Executive Council following the party’s AGM in Blue Mountain.

“Whether in the drive for universal accessibility, the integration of newcomers into our society, or the creation of safe and inclusive workplaces, Ontario Liberals have a proud record of achievement,” Thiru said. “This Party and its membership have always been representative of our province’s diverse people, and I look forward to adding my voice to Premier Wynne’s team as we continue to build Ontario up.”


According to a press release, Thiru is an engaged community volunteer. He has been recognized as one of North America’s leading city-builders, completing a CivicAction DiverseCity fellowship in 2011. Thiru has over a decade of experience serving on boards and committees for not-for-profit agencies, including the Canadian Tamil Congress, the Rouge Valley Health System Foundation, and the former United Way of York Region. He currently works in municipal government as a senior policy analyst.