A short film “Coming to the Past” starring Tamil seniors will be screened at The Bridging Festival presented by Scarborough Arts. The film is eight minutes long, and directed by Sean Frey and Sonja Rainey. “Coming to the Past” stars the Storefront (Kingston Galloway and Orton Park area) Tamil Seniors in the the story is about the journey of a woman lost in a new country, only to come upon memories of a time forgotten. The film is being provided by Jumblies Theatre and will be screened on Festival Film Night Tuesday August 20, which runs from 6-8 PM at St. Stephen’s Presbyterian Church, 3817 Lawrence Ave E. The film specifically will play around 7 PM, however a few other cultural films will be played before and after it, and also have the actors/directors present to take questions from the audience. Complimentary refreshments will also be served at this event.
The Bridging Festival returns for a fourth year to the Kingston-Galloway/Orton Park (KGO) neighbourhood in East Scarborough, presenting free family-friendly arts and environmental activities. Presented by Scarborough Arts in partnership with Toronto and Region Conservation (TRCA), East Scarborough Storefront, City of Toronto and Scarborough Museum, this annual festival is a celebration of food, culture and environment that aims to foster a closer and more tight-knit community.
The festival kicks off this Thursday, August 15th and continues throughout the week at various locations in the KGO neighbourhood. The grand finale takes place under the Lawrence Avenue Bridge on August 24th. The festival features performances by local artists, food by local chefs as well as a community barbecue, participatory arts and environmental activities and much more.
“This year we have expanded the festival into several themed evenings. We wanted to string together different forms and expressions of art that are present in the community,” says Bridging Festival Coordinator, Dania Ansari. “This provides more opportunities for participants to showcase Scarborough talent.”
This year, the festival literally crosses the bridge by hosting one of its events on its west side – Film Night at the St. Stephen Presbyterian Church. Other events, lined up on various spots along Lawrence Avenue East, are designed to create lively hubs that bring local residents together. This year’s efforts will also entwine the culinary arts to tap into the various food programming in the community.
Event Highlights:
Thursday, August 15, 4-6pm, East Scarborough Festival Market, 4130 Lawrence Ave. E
Featuring: DJ Joseph Khargie, MC Epic the Grand, Scarborough East Multicultural Gospel Choir, EAST Collective, TRCA Frog Orchestra, with food by Good Luck Catering.
Tuesday, August 20, 6-8 pm, St. Stephen Presbyterian Church, 3817 Lawrence Ave. E
Featuring: MC Jen Fabico, Pete Winning and the Pirates by Mike Donis, Coming to Past by Jumblies Theatre (Film featuring Tamil seniors), Suman Ladies by Althea Balmes, Homegrown Scarborough by Scarborough Arts, East Collective Documentary by EAST Collective, Urban Watersheds: From Runoff to Renewal by Blue Legacy, The Curious Garden by Paul R. Gagne & Melissa Reilly Ellard, with a cooking demo by Caribbean Flair.
Friday, August 23, 5-7pm, East Scarborough Storefront, 4040 Lawrence Ave. E
Featuring: MC Ziadh, Randell Adjei, Moe, Aisha the Poet, Xolisa Jerome, Patrick Walters, Charles Smith, Mobi Mawla, Patrick Connors, Babli, with a cooking demo by Hawkat Hussein.
Saturday, August 24, 12-6pm, East Scarborough Storefront, 4040 Lawrence Ave. E Toronto
Featuring: MC Dan-E-O, DJ G5 Canadian Urban, AEON Attire, TC3, Eagle Hearts, On Skylines and Horizons, Amanda Belle, Stacey Shopsowitz, Scott Ramirez, Port United, Sinha Bahia de Capoeira Canada, Perfeck Strangers, and many more.
The 2013 Bridging Festival is generously supported by the Department of Canadian Heritage, City of Toronto, Intact Financial, AllState Insurance, Morningside Crossing, CAPREIT and the Scarborough Mirror.
For more information, call 416-698-7322, email festivals@scarborougharts.com or visit www.scarborougharts.com.