1000 new diverse leaders in top Canadian positions: Maytree goal

In an ambitious plan, a Canadian foundation wants to see 1000 people from diverse backgrounds in positions of leadership and influence during the next two years.

Ratna Omidvar, President of the Maytree Foundation at the editorial board meeting.

Ratna Omidvar, President of the Maytree Foundation at the editorial board meeting.

The goal was laid out by Ratna Omidvar, President of the Maytree Foundation during an editorial board meeting with ethnic media representatives organized by Diversity Media Services in Toronto.

 Established in 1982, Maytree is a private foundation that promotes equity and prosperity. Its focus is on reduction of poverty in Canada, with particular focus on immigration and diversity. Omidvar said the key to success was integration, she urged new immigrants to get involved in mainstream activities in their cities and towns; instead of solely relying on the comfort zone of their ethnic community.


 “Make sure you invite somebody who looks different to your home for dinner and make sure you get invited,” said Omidvar. She shared some of her own experiences as an immigrant mother who got involved in her children’s school activities as a way to meet other parents. Omidvar made peanut butter and jelly sandwiches despite describing them as a “horrible concoction”.

 Maytree convenes a network of more than 1,800 leaders, develops their leadership skills and provides networking opportunities to connect them with new ideas and inspiration. The foundation provides grants, loans and scholarships to individuals and organizations that help it achieve its mission. For more information visit www.maytree.com